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My Journey to Wellness

Hi all! Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Lynn Fox. I was born January 3, 1975. I was four weeks early. My mom had preeclampsia and had me early. But being a preemie didn't stop me from reaching my full adult height of 6'3". Being tall has served me well as I played basketball and paid for my education with a division 1 basketball scholarship. I have been in the health/fitness world for most of my life. You would think, a former division 1 athlete wouldn't have a problem with health or weight gain. But you would be mistaken. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 25 and then the autoimmune disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis that causes hypothyroidism at the age of 40. Looking back, I struggled for most of my life with Hashimoto's. I struggled with digestion issues, weight gain, fatigue, depression, hypoglycemia, muscle cramps and feeling cold all the time. Through all of this I was able to forge a path to wellness unique to me. Once I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, I went to a Naturopath, took a ton of supplements, made a dramatic change in my diet, stopped overexercising and started treating myself with kindness. I started to feel better within three months and have made dramatic improvements to my health. Currently, I am thriving and able to manage Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with a grain free, dairy free, modified Paleo diet. I have a lot of energy and am able to do all the things I want to do in life, all while easily maintaining a healthy weight for me even being over 40 years old and living with a thyroid condition. Do you struggle to maintain your weight even after exercising and eating right? Maybe you need to explore a different path to wellness for you. I work with you one on one to find out your story and help you create a lifestyle that helps you maintain a healthy weight for you! Schedule a free 15- minute phone consultation to see if health coaching is right for you.



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